New traffic fines fixed – what motorists need to know

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Motorists beware! As of May 1, certain traffic violations will become more expensive in Austria. This concerns: cell phone driving or the also the seat belt obligation.

On May 1, 2023, parts of the 41st amendment to the Motor Vehicles Act 1967 (KFG) will come into force. Within the scope of this, specific penalty amounts will also be increased.

Cell phone in the car, seat belt – the new catalog of penalties.

“The organ mandate when using a cell phone at the wheel without hands-free device will then cost 100 instead of the previous 50 euros. In the case of a report – especially penalties prompted by photos of distance or speed measurements – penalties of up to 140 euros are possible,” explains ÖAMTC chief lawyer Martin Hoffer.

At the same time, the ÖAMTC expert also warns: “Not to be neglected: Other ‘secondary activities’ while driving can also be distracting and thus increase the risk of accidents.” Distraction is one of the most common causes of accidents on the road, the traffic club clarifies.

Cell phone, seat belt – now comes a new penalty catalog

A violation of the obligation to use a seat belt in the car and a crash helmet on motorcycles or mopeds costs as an organ mandate on the spot in the future 50 instead of 35 euros – a report can even be expensive up to 100 euros.

“Additionally threaten as before civil and criminal consequences, as for example disadvantages with claims for damages or with insurance payments,” knows the lawyer of the mobility club.

In conclusion, Hoffer holds: “In the sense of an increase of the traffic security punishments are increased again and again. However, threats of punishment only have an effect – almost regardless of the amount – if you have to expect a complaint due to correspondingly dense control by the executive.”

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